[SAVAGE] Hyunjick Kim
SAVAGE’s vision is to build a future where human and robot coexist via soft-robotics technology.
“SAVAGE was founded by Beomchan Kang in doctor’s course, Yeajun Yoo in master’s course, and Hyunjick Kim in bachler’s course at Soft Robotics Laboratory in department of mechanical engineering at Hanyang University. Each member has knowledges and skills in soft robot design, soft mechanism, and robot control.
SAVAGE has various research experience in soft robotic field such as soft actuators, soft robots, bio-inspired robots, wearable smart devices, 3D printable structures, shape-morphing mechanisms, and robot control. We are currently working on developing various soft robotic applications for innovative future technology.
SAVAGE dreams a world where people and robots live together through technology and aims to design a future where human-friendly soft robot technology coexists with our society beyond the boundary of industrial field.”