Digital treatment for children's ADHD using mobile games, metaverse and cognitive modeling.

EMOTIV provides convenient digital therapeutics for children with ADHD. With the use of mobile gamification, metaverse and our unique cognitive model, users can easily diagnose children with ADHD and track their children’s performance daily.
Currently in Korea, there are around 360,000 children with ADHD. However due to misguided preconceptions of ADHD and the prejudice on their own child, many parents leave their kids unattended. Therefore, EMOTIV provides stochastic diagnosis through our unique cognitive model technology. Our service also enhances one’s cognitive status via mobile games, children’s most preferred method of relieving their stress. Furthermore, it can be applied to neurotypical children as our game customizes according to the user’s performance, which can be expanded to personalized education. With our service, users are expected to receive daily care with just 10% cost of existing diagnosis fee. Since this is a mobile application, users are able to use our service anytime and anywhere, ultimately maximizing the treatment efficiency. It also reduces not only the financial burden but also the burden of taking medicine approximately by half. Our game provides multiplayer mode where children can play with their parents, eventually improving their relationships. Additionally, we are planning to provide social reinforcement contents using metaverse in the future.