Creators Chan Lee and In Sung Jo make up the group BUMGO LAB, which pursues “Nudge Engineering”. Nudge engineering refers to engineering that leverages small changes to create huge influence.
BUMGO LAB imagined a time when autonomous vehicles become commercialized, and proposed the idea of projecting entertainment content on car windows against the outside landscape as the backdrop. The landscape becomes an interactive entertainment content that passengers can play with, sometimes providing of information, and at other times, turning into games or even virtual moving images. L(oo)k out the Window suggests that autonomous vehicle passengers look outside windows, and BUMGO LAB brings life to this proposal with the vehicle HUD (head-up display) technology.
범고랩(이찬, 조인성)
2019, 자동차 리어 도어, 카 시트, 아크릴, 암막 커튼, LCD 모니터, 400×300×200cm