안드로이드는 춤추고 싶은 기분을 느끼는가? 1-2

LBL(박관우, 이찬)
2019, 휴머노이드 로봇, 싱글 채널 비디오, 50×50×150cm / 2019, 퍼포먼스, 혼합매체, 가변설치

Artist Kwanwoo Park and engineer Chan Lee formed LBL (Laboratory of Blurry Lines) to examine the meaning and the boundary of human in the age of AI, to explore criteria that define those parameters, and to translate them into technical and artistic language. Do Androids feel like dancing? series is a reconstruction of Alan Turing’s imitation game, which tried to distinguish humans from machines in a given environment. Turing believed that the ability to think and reason was exclusive to humans, demonstrated through our linguistic activities. Almost 70 years after Turing’s death, this ability that has been unique to humans is being threatened due to tremendous advancement in technology, and LBL sheds light on emotions as a second attribute exclusive to humans.