초 미래 먼지

2019, 라즈베리파이 4, 미세먼지 센서, 온도 센서, 습도 센서, 위치 센서, 대기압 센서, 방사능 센서, 가변설치

Dmitri Dongkook Yoon is an AI researcher who uses AI to develop software, and also shares his open source technology and devices with others.
Fine Dust presents a measure to quickly and accurately analyze and forecast fine dust levels using a DIY kit that collects real-time data. First, approximately 50 small computers with sensors are provided to elementary schools, and students are taught to directly manage them. These students will set up the DIY sensor at different parts of the city, and sensors will accurately collect data from a child’s eye level. The collected data is then configured to provide forecasts using AI technology. The project shows the possibility of technology working for a better future and a better world.