
Koh Jaewook
2020, single channel video, color, sound, 5 min

Contemporary Artist Jaewook Koh explores the identity and existential value of artists and tests the ways in which artists and their labor come to be. Through documentary footages, this project questions what it means to be an artist and where its valuation comes from.
Traveling through various parts of the art world, Koh takes in-depth records of artistic endeavors of artists-to-be, as they smoothly ‘transform’ into an ‘artist.’ The transformation raises the following questions. How are artists defined in society? What can evince an artist’s labor and its value to society? Is it an artist’s individual ability that fuels all these activities? Or does the act of recording have some bearing? If not, is entering the art world itself an easy thing to do? Through the questions that the project posits, we can recognize the invisible modus operandi of the art world.

New party, new Party
2020. 10. 30. – 12. 20. 10am – 6pm
18, Dasanro 32-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul