Sally moves

2020, performance, 40min

Artist Yangachi proposes a scenario of the near-future in continuation of his 2019 ZER01NE project. The near-future he envisions in his project is a sharing society with a new consumption-production structure based on technology. Altruism and sharing economy, which function as a fundamental layer of this society, are predicated on the artistic attitude of using technology for the good. Sally moves captures such a prospect and ideas in a mobile performance with a vehicle.
Although taking the appearance and voice of a woman, Sally is a virtual figure who can be anyone representing virtuality that guides us into the design of the near-future. This virtuality was adopted as a worldview revealed in the commercial of Hyundai Motors. As is the case with other commercials, the present quality of a product, as well as its futuristic properties contained in the days after its consumption, are equally inherent in the rhetoric of images.
Accordingly, the present tense and the future tense exist alongside each other in this project. In that sense, the audience would see what the results of both research analysis at the present level and the diagnosis of the near-future are. Yangachi starts from the present represented by COVID-19, New Normal, and data flow and pays keen attention to how these would gradually change our lives.

Sally Moves
2020. 11. 20. 2pm – 8pm
Throughout Seoul