Freak Show 2020

2019, 싱글 채널 비디오, 14분14초

Visual artist Oak Jungho, who uses photos and videos to challenge the society, raises yet another question on normality and abnormality through Freak Show 2020. The show is inspired by the actual “Freak Show” from the 17th to early 20th century that displayed people with abnormalities.
Freak Show 2020 features a man of a split body—Oak Jungho himself—from 2018’s Wanderer series. The film depicts the story of a man and his halved body. The story starts with a show stage contract worker who had lost a finger at work going to learn the sawing magic and eventually going on the stage with a magician. However, the ovation was given to the magician and the worker never received the spotlight. The halved body now realizes that it will never be one again and sits by the river while imagining a fantasy.