Visual artist Jinhoon Choi provides new approaches to societal issues that stem from cutting-edge technologies. Project Jinoon Bot painting investigates the ways in which individual human laborer and their subjective decisions influence the development of Artificial Intelligence(AI) models.
The project’s AI model, already trained in the artist’s personal taste and information value, makes decisions based on the artist’s individual conceptions. Through the project, Choi explores how the AI’s intellectual decision-making labor differs from a human’s labor, and whether it can be deemed as the artist’s performance.
Ultimately, the project focuses on the ways in which the foundational technological systems of AI influences and shapes art, and seeks to construct algorithmic systems that can democratically create images. The project encourages the viewers to consider situations in which humans entrust an AI with decisions and responsibilities or surrender individual senses or tastes. It presents an opportunity to reflect on the artistic endeavors that exist between an AI and a human, and their blurred boundaries.
DR. strangelove
2020. 11. 18. – 11. 22. 1pm – 7pm
Archetype Seoul
18, Saechang-ro 20ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul